Taylor Benjamin Burgess

Taylor Benjamin Burgess has studied the occult for over a dozen years, but he has been intensely studying astrology for the last seven. He also has keen interests in philosophy, psychogeography, and (especially) music.He has previously worked as an arts & culture writer and editor, and he continues to make music and to DJ. He has been taking his weirdly encyclopedic knowledge of album release dates and applying it to planetary conjunctions and ingresses.He has been a part of the Astrology Toronto community for the past few years and serves on its board.
Taylor can be reached at taylorbenjaminburgess@gmail.com
Whenever you have a reading, you can be sure that it will be confidential.Taylor makes all of his notes on paper, and will gladly burn them after your reading, should you so choose.
Astrology readingsInitial reading - $120 for an hour and a half
Follow-up readings - $100 for an hourTarot readings
$80 for an hourThese rates are suggested—if you're in need of spiritual guidance, reach out to organise some trade or PWYC reading.
Taylor is always willing to give astrology and tarot readings in exchange for tattoos.